Free 3-day kingdom-minded LIVE VIRTUAL EVENT

STARTS NOV 9th @ 8-11:30 EDT

NOV 10th @ 8-1:30 EDT

NOV 11th @ 8-11:30 EDT


The paramount challenge in business is knowledge. Having conversed with countless business owners, it's evident they grapple with similar obstacles: unpredictable revenue, a scarcity of customers, challenges in retaining clients, ineffective marketing, absent brand positioning, and a lack of successful systems. I'm dedicated to providing solutions for these challenges.


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This is the ultimate event for kingdom minded business owners and entrepreneurs

"Having led multiple businesses to success, I know the challenges and rewards. Let's embark on this journey together, and I promise to share every strategy that helped me reach the pinnacle of business success."


Proven Strategies

Dive deep into tried-and-true methodologies that have transformed countless businesses. Our systems are not just theories; they are time-tested, actionable strategies that guarantee results.


Gain Insight

Benefit from a curated selection of topics, offering you a wealth of knowledge from industry experts. Unlock powerful insights that are both relevant and timely, equipping you to stay ahead in the ever-evolving business landscape.


Success System For Attending

As a token of our appreciation for your participation, receive an exclusive system, absolutely free! This valuable resource is designed to further augment your business growth journey and set you on the path to success.

ABOUT Todd Saylor


Todd's journey refuses to be pigeonholed. With accolades such as Entrepreneur, CEO, Speaker, Business Coach, Philanthropist, Leader, Visionary, and Author, he's a powerhouse. Yet, above all, his roles as a devoted husband of 35 years, father, and steadfast friend shine the brightest.

Born from a lineage of motivators and go-getters, Todd's pursuit of excellence has been relentless. His dedication to exceeding expectations is evident in his unwavering commitment to delivering unparalleled effort in everything he undertakes.

The early lessons from his father, combined with the grind at the family's donut business, instilled in Todd the values of hard work and perseverance. From learning in Adrian to leading in Indiana, Todd's growth has been monumental.

virtual live event

Hosted entirely online, this is a Virtual Live Event.

That means:

Real-Time Interaction: Engage with speakers, ask questions, and participate actively, all from the comfort of your chosen environment.

No Travel Needed: Save on travel time and costs. All you need is a reliable internet connection to join.

Live & Immersive: Experience the immediacy and energy of a live event without the traditional confines of a physical venue.

Prepare yourself for a cutting-edge virtual experience that combines the best of in-person interaction with the convenience of online access!

Learn My Success System


Todd's journey refuses to be pigeonholed. With accolades such as Entrepreneur, CEO, Speaker, Business Coach, Philanthropist, Leader, Visionary, and Author, he's a powerhouse. Yet, above all, his roles as a devoted husband of 35 years, father, and steadfast friend shine the brightest.

Born from a lineage of motivators and go-getters, Todd's pursuit of excellence has been relentless. His dedication to exceeding expectations is evident in his unwavering commitment to delivering unparalleled effort in everything he undertakes.

The early lessons from his father, combined with the grind at the family's donut business, instilled in Todd the values of hard work and perseverance. From learning in Adrian to leading in Indiana, Todd's growth has been monumental.

Day 1: the Successionaire Mindset

Transcend the conventional pursuit of millionaire status and dive into the “Successionaire” mindset, where wealth is not just financial, but holistic. Todd introduces the “Wired Differently” framework, a paradigm that goes beyond conventional wisdom to sculpt your identity, both in life and business. Get ready to unravel a world where your intrinsic strengths and weaknesses become your unique arsenal for success.

Day 2: the success Pillars with Jumpstart 12

The second day is a potent exploration of the “Jumpstart 12” method, revealing the crucial pillars imperative for every entrepreneur and business owner to grasp. Todd teases essential facets that construct a robust system around your business. You’ll glean insights into defining what he elegantly refers to as "Your Market Dominating Position" and learn about the transformative power of "The Habit Loop." However, the depth of the strategies and the mastery behind the methods will be unveiled during our time together.

Day 3: Building and Sustaining Success

On the final day, delve into the intricacies of process and system design for successful business operations. Todd will edge into discussions around customer loyalty, lead acquisition, and crafting irresistible offers. And of course, navigating through the digital marketing maze. Moreover, your participation won't just offer transient learning. Todd is handing you a sustainable, continuous learning tool: "The Virtual MBA Software," FREE for all attendees, allowing the seeds planted during the event to blossom into perpetual growth in your entrepreneurial journey.

Every day of this event is meticulously designed to provide a peek into systems and strategies that have not only been successful but have revolutionized businesses time and again. Each day encapsulates a unique theme, offering a tantalizing glimpse into Todd’s world of systematic success in business, always leaving you wanting just a bit more, ensuring the real magic lies in your event participation.

kingdom and business The DIFFERENce

In the realm of commerce, where principles are often swayed by trends and profits, Todd Saylor stands apart with his unshakable faith as his compass, intertwining Kingdom Principles with business acumen to carve out a distinct, noble path in entrepreneurship.

Words that Speak Volumes



Business Excellence

GET THE "Virtual mba: Successionaire Systems"

FREE for simply attending

100% Full access FOr 30 days

What's Included In the System:

Imagine a tool that not only imparts knowledge but also embarks on the journey with you, guiding, aiding, and evolving your business from the core. Introducing The Virtual MBA - your comprehensive, user-friendly, and interactive guide to mastering the realms of business, at no additional cost when you attend the event!

52 Weeks of Expert Insight

Embark on a year-long journey with Todd, exploring a new, carefully crafted video each week, delving into crucial business topics that distill his decades of expertise into digestible, implementable insights, providing continuous learning and perpetual momentum for you and your business.

Resource Center: Your Business Toolkit

Embark on a year-long journey with Todd, exploring a new, carefully crafted video each week, delving into crucial business topics that distill his decades of expertise into digestible, implementable insights, providing continuous learning and perpetual momentum for you and your business.

Worksheets: Structure Meets Strategy

Navigate through your business journey with structured worksheets, ensuring the strategies discussed are not just understood, but effectively applied, translating knowledge into tangible business outcomes.

Guided (Email) Support: A Hand to Hold

Experience the benefits of spontaneous check-ins to ensure your progress is not just consistent, but also recognized and celebrated, keeping your motivation tank perpetually full.

Bonus: "Wired Differently For Business Profits"

As an exclusive gift, receive Todd’s book, which takes a deep dive into the Jumpstart 12, offering further, detailed insights, and strategies that have been the backbone of multiple successful enterprises.

Wait...Their is More



Elevate your entrepreneurial journey to unparalleled heights! With our exclusive VIP Access, Todd Saylor brings you not just insights from the event but also a treasure trove of tools, teachings, and timeless wisdom.


Elevate your entrepreneurial journey to unparalleled heights! With our exclusive VIP Access, Todd Saylor brings you not just insights from the event but also a treasure trove of tools, teachings, and timeless wisdom.

Event Replays: Relive the Magic

Elevate your entrepreneurial journey to unparalleled heights! With our exclusive VIP Access, Todd Saylor brings you not just insights from the event but also a treasure trove of tools, teachings, and timeless wisdom.

Wired Differently: Leveraging Your Favors on Fulcrum Principles

About: Discover the secrets behind the "attitudinal disorder" and transcend the quo. This transformative read takes you on a journey towards joy, purpose, and unprecedented levels of awareness.

DriftAgain: 8 Traits of Supremely Purposeful People

About: Unveil the true essence of life's purpose. Navigate away from life's distractions and misleading aspirations, leading you straight to your destined calling.

YOur Will Be Done: How To Become Wired Differently

About: Step into the realm of a Successionaire. Grasp the essence of "Your Will Be Done", harness your subconscious power, and truly understand God's Will. Todd’s guidance will pave your path to authentic success.

Interested in becoming a coach?

Become a certified Wired Differently Coach

Have you ever wanted to become a coach or consultant? Are you already a coach or consultant? Become a certerfied "wired differently coach" and teach the wired differently systems and process. The great think about being "Wired Differently" is that it

offers a unique perspective and approach to coaching and consulting. This methodology is not just another coaching model; it's a transformative way of understanding and interacting with individuals, tapping into their unique strengths and potentials.

Being "Wired Differently" means recognizing that each individual has a distinct way of thinking, learning, and processing information. As a certified "Wired Differently" coach, you'll be equipped with the tools and techniques to harness these differences, turning them into powerful assets for personal and professional growth.

The training for becoming a "Wired Differently" coach is comprehensive, ensuring that you are well-versed in the principles and practices of this innovative approach. You'll learn how to identify the unique wiring of each individual, tailor your coaching strategies to suit their needs, and empower them to achieve their goals in a way that feels natural and authentic to them.

Moreover, the "Wired Differently" community is a supportive network of like-minded professionals who are committed to making a difference in the lives of their clients. By joining this community, you'll gain access to ongoing training, resources, and opportunities to collaborate with fellow coaches and consultants.

In today's diverse and ever-evolving world, there's a growing demand for coaches and consultants who can think outside the box and offer fresh perspectives. The "Wired Differently" approach is perfectly poised to meet this demand, providing a unique selling point that sets you apart from the competition.

So, whether you're an aspiring coach looking for a niche or an experienced consultant seeking to expand your toolkit, becoming a certified "Wired Differently" coach could be the game-changer you've been searching for. Embrace the power of difference and start your journey towards becoming a transformative force in the coaching and consulting world.